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40 Reasons to Choose Us

Every appointment was an adventure and the ending celebration was exciting! - Rosie

Why choose us?

Doctors wearing silly glasses and teeth

We'll make you smile!

About Us

The Evans Orthodontic method of treatment is quite popular, not only with patients, but also with family dentists in this area. Over 100 of the area dentists have chosen Dr. Evans to treat either themselves or members of their family! This is a major vote of confidence by our colleagues and is one of the highest compliments an orthodontic office can receive. When fellow dental professionals choose your office to treat their families, it is obviously a major tribute to the quality of care you provide. A list of these dental professionals who have chosen us for their family's orthodontic care is shown below.

2. Over 50,000 satisfied patients
Evans Orthodontics has treated over 50,000 patients including many children and grandchildren of former patients. Our desire is to make you a part of our orthodontic family in such a way that you will feel comfortable recommending our office to your family and friends. We are very proud of the fact that our practice receives over one-half of our new patients through referrals from former patients.

3. Friendly, fun atmosphere


We have a family-oriented practice and are dedicated to providing energetic and fun-loving service for each patient. Much care was taken in the design of our new office to make each of your visits enjoyable and a truly positive experience. Our patient's senior pictures are proudly displayed throughout the office. These pictures are an outstanding example of the broad, beautiful smiles that Evans Orthodontics has created. We realize the significance of brace removal for our patients. We have a special celebration to congratulate our patients on this important day. Along with a gift, the team sings each patient a special song to commemorate the day!

4. Our doctors have over 75 years combined experience as orthodontic specialists!
Orthodontists are the experts uniquely qualified to correct "bad bites."

The American Dental Association requires orthodontists to have at least two years of post-doctoral, advanced specialty training in orthodontics in an accredited program, after graduation from college and then dental school.

Our patients benefit from the knowledge and expertise of two skilled clinicians with over 75 years of combined experience as orthodontic specialists. It is especially helpful for difficult corrections in which the doctors consult with each other before, during, and after treatment. Another benefit of having three orthodontists available is that the office is rarely closed for any reason.

5. Drs. Bruce and Brad are the only two orthodontic specialists in the United States who practiced medicine before becoming practicing orthodontists.
Doctors Bruce and Brad both completed medical school and practiced medicine before going back to dental school and orthodontic specialty training. Because of this background, they are uniquely qualified to treat patients with medical conditions superimposed upon misaligned teeth and jaws. These double doctor brothers continuously strive for a reputation of excellence in orthodontic treatment and personalized care.

6. Highly trained team
Each member of our team is highly skilled and dedicated to providing energetic and fun-loving service to each patient. All of our orthodontic technicians complete a thorough training program, attend continuing education courses, are trained in CPR, and are required to take national certification examinations.

7. Community involvement
Dr. James Evans started the Evans Orthodontic Scholar Athlete Award in 1987. The award is given to an 8th grade male and female student from 21 area middle schools who try the hardest to excel in academics and athletics. THAT'S OVER 1300 SCHOLARSHIPS!! The doctors at Evans Orthodontics have awarded over $64,000.00 to our local scholar-athletes since the scholarship program began.

About our Office

8. We have been chosen as the Black Hills Best in Orthodontics since 2019.  Dr. Bruce and Dr. Brad have also been chosen as the #1 Orthodontist!
Each year, the Rapid City Journal promotes a contest for the Best of the Black Hills.  For the last 4 years our office has been voted as the BEST in orthodontic care in the Black Hills region.  In 2022 a new category was added: Best Orthodontist, which Dr. Bruce won in 2022 and Dr. Brad won in 2023.  We have a great team of doctors and staff who want the best for our patients!

9. State-of-the-art office in Rapid City  
You'll love it here! Our facility was designed and built with your comfort in mind. We strive to exceed your expectations and want your visits to our office to be as pleasant and enjoyable as possible.

10. Convenient office location with ample parking
Our office is located in Rapid City near Baken Park, behind the Westside McDonald's. You will enjoy visiting our warm, friendly facility. We are proud to provide easy access and ample parking at our outstanding location.

11. Reception area has free internet access, WiFi Hotspot, flat-screen TV, toddler play area and coffee bar for your comfort
The reception area is spacious and includes a 42 inch flat-screen TV for your enjoyment. There is also a coffee bar for adults and a toddler area to keep younger siblings entertained. Included in the reception area is an internet surfing room, where you can check your e-mails or patients can study. You can also access the internet on your personal electronic devices via our WiFi Hotspot!

12. Quiet "homework" room and game/reading room
Our quiet room is a great place to study or get caught up on homework before your appointment.  The game room has fun games and puzzles to keep siblings occupied during appointments.

13. G-rated cable TV programs and a DVD movie channel

Patients can lie back while being treated and enjoy their own 19 inch flat-screen TV monitor with headphones. They can choose from a wide selection of G-rated cable TV programs or a DVD movie channel.

About our Treatment

14. State-of-the-art treatment techniques
The doctors at Evans Orthodontics are constantly striving to enhance our treatment methods in an attempt to improve the facial harmony, smiles and bites for all of our patients. We use proven state-of-the-art technology to move teeth efficiently while providing the highest quality treatment results.

15. State-of-the-art digital imaging equipment
Our new state-of-the-art digital imaging devices deliver the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM amount of radiation possible with today's technology. These images can be viewed immediately on computer monitors throughout the office.

16. Comfortable, efficient Damon® braces
The sleek, new Damon braces are the most comfortable and reliable self-ligating bracket available. Damon braces have a unique slide mechanism that reduces pressure on your teeth and allows them to move comfortably to their correct positions. With the Damon bracket, the treatment time is typically shorter than with conventional braces. And shorter treatment time means fewer appointments and a beautiful smile faster. We encourage you to see for yourself at

17. Clear Damon® braces
Some of our more mature patients may choose to have clear braces on their upper front teeth. They are slightly less noticeable and may be an option if you are not a candidate for Invisalign® treatment.

18. Indirect bonding of braces for precise positioning
Indirect bonding of braces is a very comfortable procedure and achieves the most accurate bracket positions of any technique. Since much of the work is done in the lab, your time in the chair is minimized.

19. Clear Aligner therapy with  Invisalign® and Spark® aligners
Invisalign and Spark are the advanced way to straighten teeth and improve smiles. Using the latest technologies, Invisalign and Spark straighten your teeth without metal braces. This is done by using a series of comfortable clear aligners that straighten the teeth. This treatment method costs about the same as braces. You can visit their websites at   Spark Aligners

20. Functional appliances (no headgear)
Many orthodontic problems involve skeletal disharmonies. They may involve insufficient jaw growth or excessive growth. Because of our "Face Focused" approach to treatment, we attempt to resolve these problems with functional appliances. This method usually prevents the need for a surgical procedure. Major modifications of jaw size can be achieved if treatment is started when the patient is young. We recommend first visiting the orthodontist at age seven.

21.  Intra oral scanning option---no more goopy impressions.

22.  "Face Focused" treatment plans (emphasis on non-extraction treatment)


"For the face, not the space." With conventional braces, orthodontists are often forced to pull teeth in order to create space for crowded teeth. No one likes to have teeth removed, and a smile with a full display of teeth often produces a broader, more natural smile and a nicer profile. At Evans Orthodontics, we use the new Damon system which creates space naturally so most cases can be treated without extraction. In the few cases which still require extraction, space is made to improve the facial balance and to provide a natural smile and profile that will last a lifetime.

23. Emphasis on early interceptive treatment
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that your child get an orthodontic check-up no later than age 7. While your child's teeth may appear straight, there could be a problem only an orthodontist can detect. Of course, the check-up may reveal that your child's bite is fine, and that can be comforting news. For each patient who needs treatment there's an ideal time for treatment to begin in order to achieve the best results. Early treatment gives Dr. Evans a chance to:

  • guide jaw growth
  • lower the risk of trauma to front teeth
  • correct harmful habits
  • improve appearance and self-esteem
  • guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
  • improve the way the lips meet
  • enhanced nasal breathing

The goal of early treatment is to create a better environment for your child's permanent teeth.

24. Adult treatment


Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age and about 25% of all patients today are adults. You'll be pleased to learn that braces will work with your current lifestyle. You can do almost anything with braces - sing, play a musical instrument, dine out, kiss and even have your picture taken. It's never too late to improve the health of your teeth and gums. At Evans Orthodontics, we have successfully treated patients in their 60's and 70's.

25. TMJ treatment
We provide comprehensive treatment of craniofacial pain and the jaw joints.

26. Treatment progress regularly updated with the patient and/or parent
At each appointment, the doctor will evaluate oral hygiene, tooth movement, tooth alignment and how the bite fits. Parents are welcome in the treatment area at any time. We are always available to address questions and concerns and will go out of our way to make your orthodontic treatment a pleasant experience. Please feel free to contact the doctors or a team member if you have any questions during your treatment.

27. Latest infection control procedures
Our commitment is to maintain the highest level of safety and well-being for our patients and team. Our practice meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the Centers for Disease Control, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency for infection control procedures in an orthodontic environment.

For Your Convenience

28. Initial evaluation at no charge
A referral from your family dentist is not necessary for this comprehensive exam which includes X-rays, photographs and an exam by the doctor.

29. Ability to start patient's orthodontic treatment on the day of the initial exam
For your convenience, we are able to take orthodontic records on the day of your initial exam. This eliminates the need for an extra appointment and allows treatment to begin immediately.

30. We have installed a hospital-grade air purification machine into our HVAC system.
It generates intense UV-C light and effectively destroys all airborne pathogens, including the coronavirus.  The unit is large enough to treat all of the air in our building.  It also breaks down volatile organic compounds, which we will be using more now, as we thoroughly decontaminate our work areas between patient visits

31. Affordable fees - no hidden charges
Orthodontic treatment is an excellent investment in the overall dental, medical and psychological well-being of both children and adults. Over the past 30 years, the cost of orthodontic treatment has not increased as much as other sectors of the economy making it more affordable than ever. The fee quoted covers all appointments and procedures done in our office, appliances, braces and retainers needed during treatment. Any procedure done out of our office or if an appliance is lost or broken is the patients responsibility. Dollar for dollar when you consider the lifetime benefits of orthodontic treatment, it is truly a great value.

32. Flexible financing
We are committed to developing a financing option that fits within your budget. Our "IN-HOUSE" financing is a great option. With appropriate credit, we make financial arrangements to extend payments over a period of months or years following an initial down payment. We offer this service with no finance charge and 0% interest. For your convenience, we offer auto check drafting and automatic credit card payments. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Third-party financing is also available with approved credit through CareCredit.
Click here to learn more!

33. Insurance accepted
We are experienced in working with insurance companies. We work with all types of insurance policies and want to be sure you receive all the benefits to which your family is entitled.

34. Convenient scheduling
We make a sincere effort to arrange scheduling so that you receive the best treatment possible while missing the least amount of time from school or work.

35. Ability to check account information and appointment times online
This service allows patients to view their statement, account and appointment information online. Automated appointment reminders are also sent via e-mail and text messaging.

36. Telephone, text or email appointment reminders
HouseCalls, our automated phone messaging system, delivers personalized messages to our patients and parents reminding them of their appointment day and time. The message is received between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. 2 days before the next appointment.

37. Family Care Program - discount in fees for additional family members in treatment


When a patient becomes part of our practice, we feel a responsibility to the entire family. We will examine and monitor younger siblings at no charge until the time is right for them to start treatment. When any additional family member begins treatment, there will be a $200 reduction in their total treatment fee. As a family care provider, we welcome family members of all ages.

38. Brunch Club (Rapid City) - fee reduction for mid-day appointment times
This club offers "Rapid City" patients the opportunity to schedule all of their orthodontic visits between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. As an incentive for patients to join The Brunch Club, you will receive a 4% reduction of the total treatment fee.

39. Fun patient involvement contests and great prizes - SMILEAGE PLUS REWARDS HUB
Our patients love our fun contests with great prizes like Target, Starbucks and Scheels gift cards,  movie passes, or a laser pen with a flash drive! They are excited to earn points on their Smileage Plus cards which they can save up and redeem for awesome prizes!

40. Cool office logo T-shirt and logo sling bag provided at starting appointment


All patients who start treatment receive a cool T-shirt with the Evans Orthodontics logo and a sling bag with an electric toothbrush.

Bradley J. Evans, M.D., D.D.S., M.S.
Bruce A. Evans, M.D., D.D.S., M.S.

You can clearly see Evans Orthodontics is the best choice for your orthodontic care. Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions. We will be glad to help in any way we can.

Below are the names of local area dentists who have entrusted Evans Orthodontics to treat themselves or their family members.

Belle Fourche, SD
Dr. Daniel Clapper
Dr. Mike Nehl
Dr. Matt Nehl
Dr. Carl Moore
Dr. Jonathan Krum

Custer, SD
Dr. Diana Latinow

Gillette, WY
Dr. Nick Bouzis
Dr. Dawn Strohschein
Dr. Michele Hand
Dr. Carol Hungerford
Dr. Dan Morrison
Dr. Ilene Choal
Dr. Holly Schamber

Sundance, WY
Dr. Dan Nolan

Lead/Deadwood, SD
Dr. Roger Anderson
Dr. Hladik
Dr. Lenny Hopper
Dr. Todd Jones
Dr. Dennis Mills
Dr. Sierra Powers
Dr. Reid Stone
Dr. Veneble
Dr. Woods
Dr. Virgil Van Huevlin

Pine Ridge Health Services
Dr. Richard Higham
Dr. Gary Stormo

Spearfish, SD
Dr. Robert Crosswait
Dr. Bradly Dana
Dr. Michael Dana
Dr. Monique Dana
Dr. Nichole Dana
Dr. Jon Reth
Dr. Randy Sachau
Dr. Floyd Ward
Dr. Jeff Wiswall

Sturgis, SD
Dr. Don Bachand
Dr. Walter Raymond
Dr. Shelly Ridenour
Dr. Rick Schmid
Dr. Gene Schneider
Dr. James VerHelst

Ft. Pierre, SD
Dr. Carmen Sutley
Dr. Michael Sutley
Dr. Steve Sutley

Hot Springs, SD
Dr. Donald Massa
Dr. Richard Sewright
Dr. Doug Sewright
Dr. Peter Sotherland
Dr. George Waxler

Pierre, SD
Dr. Robert Borden
Dr. Patrick Hermanson
Dr. Lloyd Johnson
Dr. Richard Schloessler
Dr. Wyman Whitney

Rapid City, SD
Dr. Kurt Anderson
Dr. Lisa Anderson
Dr. Brooke Anderson-Saunders
Dr. Thomas Benjamin
Dr. Ken Benusis
Dr. Jay Benusis
Dr. Michael Bingham
Dr. James Bloom
Dr. Jeff Bloom
Dr. James Bockwoldt
Dr. Leon Brodie
Dr. Patrick Coyne
Dr. Jay Crossland
Dr. James Cunningham
Dr. William Donhiser
Dr. Jack Enterman
Dr. Jenelle Fleagle
Dr. Mark Garner
Dr. Thomas Gunnell
Dr. Lawrence Gunner
Dr. Greg Hanson
Dr. Gerald Harms
Dr. Anh Harper
Dr. Thomas Horton
Dr. Kelli Jobman
Dr. Robert Kirk
Dr. Greg Kopriva
Dr. Michael Krump
Dr. Jon Lindenmeyer
Dr. Edward Lynch
Dr. Kelly Lytle
Dr. Larry Lytle
Dr. James Nelson
Dr. Albert Olmacher
Dr. Jeff Olson
Dr. Charles Ray
Dr. Sara Reausaw-Wilson
Dr. Paul Rezich
Dr. Eldon Rice
Dr. Mary Roth
Dr. Robert Saunders
Dr. Tara Schaack
Dr. Jon Schaack
Dr. Steve Schacher
Dr. Jay Segrist
Dr. D'Jonna Sewell
Dr. Carl Stonecipher
Dr. Mark Stotz
Dr. Larry Streleck
Dr. Erik Swanson
Dr. Jared Taylor
Dr. John Tobin
Dr. Paul Torgerson
Dr. Francis Tuscano
Dr. Tom Udager
Dr. Eric Unkenholz
Dr. Karli Williams
Dr. E.B. Whillock
Dr. Robert Zill

Dr. Vern Holmes
Dr. William Kaus
Dr. W.G. Snyder
Dr. Jerry McWilliams
Dr. Justin Moody
Dr. Sammie Webb